An outdoor fire would be perfect for your outdoor area, there is something special about sitting around an outdoor fire and in NZ where the evenings can get a bit of a bite it is so nice to have everyone together around the heat, enjoying time together.
When it comes to buying an outdoor fire it is so easy to get caught up in the romance but you know this is a long term investment so the decision becomes about what will be cool for your family in years to come. Take the time and think very seriously about what you truly want, the last thing you want to do is compromise on the features and ending up having to add products on.
Why is The Kiwi Outdoor Oven Fire so much hotter than other outdoor fires?
Understanding heat is a big advantage when selecting an outdoor fire. Heat's most favourite path is straight up and many outdoor fires are open fires with a chimney directly above the fire. This provides the heat an easy escape route that is not directed at you.
The Kiwi Outdoor Oven is an enclosed firebox with a 10mm steel plate between the firebox and the oven. There is no easy escape route for the heat so a lot is radiated out the front, towards you.
The large oven has such a large fire box that it can be stoked up to temperatures far higher than other fires. In fact when comparing other fires to The Kiwi Outdoor Oven, make sure you compare them to the relevant oven, the Nugget.

Portable Fire
How many outdoor fires are portable? The Kiwi Outdoor Oven can be placed on a trolley and moved around your property as much as you like or if you change the design of your outdoor area they are easy to pick up and transfer to a different setting.
Be sensible when moving ovens, never move them hot, make sure the ground is flat and plan the move for safety purposes.
Portable also means that The Kiwi Outdoor Oven needs to be added to the chattels of a home if you are purchasing, people don't leave them behind and it is bound to be gone when you move in.

Can operate in Fire Ban
The Kiwi Outdoor Oven fire is one of the only fires that can be operated in a fire ban. This is because of the enclosed fire box and spark arrestor. At the end of the evening you have the ability to close up the fire doors, close the dampers and the fire is safe for the night ahead.
This means that our fires can be used all year round and they have previously received permission from DOC and Fire departments to operate where other fires can't.
Fire is damaging if out of control so all members of The Kiwi Outdoor family is asked to be sensible and love NZ.
Disclaimer: please still check with your local council and if a fire warden arrives and asks you to put you fire out, you will need to comply.